This animated film chronicles the adventures of eccentric animals and humans on a tropical island. It features tales of two friends, a magical creature's personal growth, and a clever inventor's zany contraptions.
This animated film chronicles the adventures of eccentric animals and humans on a tropical island. It features tales of two friends, a magical creature's personal growth, and a clever inventor's zany contraptions.
The team behind Quentin Blake’s Clown, shown on Channel 4 in December 2020, has taken six of the famed illustrator’s books and turned them into a series. It kicks off with Zagazoo, a charming story with an adult message, followed by Jack and Nancy, a fantastical tale of a brother and sister who wish to escape to faraway lands.
The animation is purposefully 2D to keep Blake’s sketchy style, while Adrian Lester’s cheeky and sometimes unreliable narrator injects a lot of fun. Alison Steadman, Nina Sosanya and Simon Pegg also lend their voices.
role | name |
Narrator | Adrian Lester |
Bard | Ramesh Mahtani |
Bashington | Ramesh Mahtani |
Hans | Ramesh Mahtani |
George | Simon Pegg |
Sid Bunkin | Simon Pegg |
Sir Thomas Magpie | Simon Pegg |
Barnabas | Richard Cotton |
Harris | Richard Cotton |
Ratstead | Richard Cotton |
Farmer | Brett Lampitt |
Gerald | Brett Lampitt |
Knights | Brett Lampitt |
Bookmaker | Dave Baird |
Earl | Dave Baird |
Earnest | Dave Baird |
Mrs. Eavis | Debra Michaels |
Nice Old Lady | Debra Michaels |
Liza | Amy Noble |
Prize Giver | Amy Noble |
Young Woman | Amy Noble |
Doctor | Liyah Summers |
Princess | Liyah Summers |
Jo | Bailey Radzan |
Martha | Bailey Radzan |